пятница, 2 мая 2008 г.

Schizophrenia Recovery: A review and an audio recording from Curr Psychiatry Online

Current Psychiatry Online, Vol. 7, No. 5 / May 2008
Schizophrenia recovery: Time for optimism? - a short collective review including an audio account by Lisa Halpern, describing in audio files her cognitive breakdown while a graduate student at Harvard University and the psychiatric treatment and psychosocial rehabilitation that helped her recover.

Links to the mp3 files:
Part 1: The beginning of schizophrenia (08:11)
Part 2: Missed diagnoses, hospitalizations, and 40 medications later (01:38)
Part 3: Brain rehabilitation (01:09)
Part 4: My recovery (1:30)
Part 5: 4 tips for working with individuals with psychotic disorders (05:35)

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